Thursday, July 3, 2008

Getting white hair

Lately, I have got plenty of white hair on temples, which worries me a lot. I set to think if I am senile. Referring with the keyword, o-l-d, I am so distressed because my real age is only 27!

It’s real that no matter what your face and or body look like, white hair categorizes you in an instant. Basically, people, especially young people, treat you differently while you get white hair. It goes beyond the "looking old" issue - it relates to perception of ability. "Old" man simply aren't viewed as competent as young people.

Sure, the worry disturbs my life greatly and I have to look for solution. After all, the age of mine is not a time of getting old.

Therefore, I have a try to learn of the reality of getting white hair. It is proved white hair is present while the particles of melanin in cortex layer are degenerated. The cause of white hair’s forming is complex, including considering deeply; the disorder of body’s heredity or hormone; being frighten with sth; being too tired; etc. All the facets lead to one’s nerve tense, and it would make the blood vessel which transport nutrients into hair distorted and holdback the excreting melanin of cortex layer. So, the white hair is present with you.

As a matter of fact, more and more young people are getting white hair derived from the great pressure in work or modern society. Especially, some people tend to get white hair within a short time even one night. The story of Wu Zi-Xu in old China is the real case.

Getting white hair may be the foreboding of some illnesses like disorder of plant nerve function or hyperthyroidism. So, if you are getting more and more white hair, the corresponding medical tests are necessary.

Fortunately, it is suggested that the getting white hair would be reversed with medical measures. Once you wipe off the obstacle affecting your getting white hair, the hair would be getting black again.

Meanwhile, there are more and more so-called products which are promised to cure the getting white hair, however, the function of these products may only make one’s hair getting more nutrients and slow the rate of getting white hair rather than cure it. Because it is fact that the deep cause of getting white hair is unknown till now.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Yoga: a healthy and popular exercise

Yoga is now well known all over the world because of its benefits to health. It is said that yoga helps one who practice yoga to balance both the physical and mental system. Daily practicing yoga would not only refresh one’s health but also bring exercisers self-consciousness.

From some researches, there are at least three advantages of practicing yoga:

1. It could keep one’s weight and flexibility of body, which is well condition of dealing with some sudden case like tumble with quick response. Some people dislike the exercise just because of its tenderness; however, this very trait is so benefic to us because it could make the joint of skeletons stay lubricated.

2. The practicing of yoga is focused on control one’s breath which is benefic to people also. Just because the right breathing system is the key point for yoga's exercisers, so people who practice yoga at a regularly basis would have high-effective circulation of blood due to ample oxygen in blood via well breathing.

3. The most important of practicing yoga is that it can affect one’s mental system and further make one away from strain of stress. It is said that the exercise can affect one’ efficiency of nervous system, and it would bring him peacefulness through meditation.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Playing basketball and the health program

I love playing basketball very much and I know that it could keep my body moveable and healthy. Many people choose to do exercising like muscle strengthening exercise, but I don’t. Because I dislike do movements with continuous and boring repetition, which makes me crazy.

I have been playing basketball for years, and I know the sport could bring me happiness and vigor. When playing basketball on the match, I am so passionate and urging to goal and goal! Actually, any sport could bring health and vigor to people, the difference is only if you like it or not. If you could gain some self-confidence from the sport, you would like or even love it, and then doing exercise frequently for improving your competence, that’s just simple like this.

For me, I am a fan of NBA, so from the live match of NBA on TV I could learn more skills and exercise more in gymnasium. Although it couldn't make me stronger significantly, the nerves of my movement are strengthened and the metabolism is improved a lot, which are proved to be important because many people can’t keep the parts of body harmonious and metabolism fluently.

Certainly, if one is sturdy to improve his health level or become stronger and more vigorous, then he could join in some sport&health program like Basketball League, which could introduce you some special and custom procedures to make you be stronger combined with regularly playing basketball.

If having nothing to do with health, playing basketball would also be my love. Moreover, the sport can be helpful to improve health level, what’s a fortune for me! Aha, like the old saying,”one stone kills two birds”; I am just throwing the stone!