Thursday, June 26, 2008

Drinking ample water can keep you healthier

Some people are often suffered with dehydration, which is a great loss of water in tissues and cells. The illness is characterized by some symptoms like mood changes, headaches, lethargy and slow responses. As we know, water is an easily acquirable source around us. People often forget to drink water just because of busy work or neglecting the importance and benefits of drinking water. But in fact, we really require a certain amount of water on a daily basis for a healthier life.

Now, I would like to tell you the water’s function in our bodies. The reality is well-known that one’s body is made up of 70 percent water and it makes up nearly 75 percent of our total body weight. So, the water plays a great role in our bodies.

Drinking enough water can be beneficial to one’s health from the below paths:

1. When one’s body gets dehydrated, the blood flow in the body does not work properly. The blood flow would slow down; the oxygen cannot be transported to different organs efficiently. So it would be worse that the symptom becomes complicated with dehydration and anoxia, and then drinking water is significant.

2. We all know that one’s kidney plays a very important role in pumping out the toxins through urine. And lack of water in the body causes the kidneys’ function and as a result toxins get accumulated in the body, which can lead to serious medical complications. So if you want to keep your kidney healthier, drinking water is the key.

3. Actually, water also can help people to regulate body temperature. Regulating body temperature is the basic function of human which is differed from other animals, but if one’s body is lacking of water, the body temperature would be uncontrolled. It would be worse especially in hot summer, if one’s body temperature is too high during the time, then his life would be threatened.

4. Drinking water can also keep one’s tissue function well. For example, it can make one’s (especially women’s) skin glossy and healthy, which makes them look beautiful due to health. Water is also necessary for internal organs and joints to stay lubricated.

5. In addition, drinking ample water can accelerate some nutrients absorbing rate. For example, some water-soluble nutrients like vitamin C could be absorbed by body quickly if they are in water. So, if you want to keep your body absorbing nutrients fluently without any clog, drinking more water everyday is your best choice.

According to above 5 tips, we can make a decision that drinking more water everyday (at least 8 glasses of water is suggested) each day and we will live healthier than before.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Fresh fruit and vegetable juice function as a healthy drink

Some fresh fruit and vegetable juice would be healthy drink, which can also prevent some symptoms like Varicose Veins and these veins may cause aches, fatigue, or a burning sensation in the affected limbs. Maybe somebody like eat fruits, however, raw fruits juice provides required nutrients in much higher concentrations than people can get by just eating fruit. So, regularly juicing is suggested.

Actually, regular fruit juice intake can help one to maintain proper weight which is inspiriting for those fat men. And along with a balanced diet of raw food and vegetables will give you nutrients that may help prevent varicose veins. Additionally, vitamin C and protein are components of collagen, part of the tissue in the veins and valves. As we know, women whose collagen is in good condition look beautiful and healthy.

Some special matches of fruits and vegetables like carrot and spinach can be beneficial in treating varicose ailments. And, dark-colored berries like cherries, blueberries and blackberries have anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins which are pigments that tone & strengthen the walls of one’s veins. These can be mixed and generate compound function against illnesses in veins.

Certainly, the best juice is fresh homemade juice! In fact juice from a masticating juicer is a great choice. One could get more fiber, enzymes, vitamins and minerals from the convenient juicing!