Monday, June 9, 2008

The reality of curly hair

Some people with naturally curly hair would worry if the curly hair would be harmful to his/her body. But in fact, the hair is straight or curly depends on the shape of the hair shaft, which is determined by the shape of the hair follicle. And, the hair’s shape is non-related with one’s health. It is just determined by a genetic trait.

Surely, some think straight hair more beautiful and want to style their own hurl hair straight. It would take a little more effort. First shampoo and style your hair. Then divide the hair into one inch sections with some special tools. Before drying each section apply a light mist of Aerostraight, which smoothes and temporarily straightens hair while protecting it from the effects of heat styling. You would finish with a ceramic flat iron when the hair is completely dry. Then your hair will be smooth, shiny and straight, which will stay that way until your next shampoo.

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