Thursday, November 1, 2007

The soup of chook is actually not so nutritious

The soup of chook is thought as good and nutritional tonic by most people, but some experts think it is wrong, and they also don’t agree with throwing away the meat after cooking soup.

During long time cooking, there are only some water-soluble small molecular substances from chook’s oil, skin, meat and bone, besides, there are great deal of Purina, oil and calorie, which are not healthful for people. Then, people drink more soup are actually ingesting more animal’s fat, which is dangerous for some patients suffered from heart and blood disease. In fact, the meat in the soup is the most nutritious substance, because it is very incompact and adapted to be absorbed by stomach and gut. So, if you want to eat healthily, please mainly eat the meat of the soup but drink the soup as assistant.

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