Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Pawpaw: a good fruit can protect your liver

Pawpaw topped the healthy food's chart in the statistics of WHO in 2007 because of its abundant nutrition and good sanitarian function. It was well known that pawpaw is a nutritious and healthy food from the old, for example, Li Shi-zhen who lived in Ming dynasty recorded pawpaw's healthy function of protecting one's liver in his works of《Ben Cao Gang Mu》. However, how pawpaw protects your liver on earth?
1. It contains a lot of vitamine C, in which the content of vitamine C is 48 times more than that in apple. It is well known that vitamine C can weed out the harmful substance in our bodies and stabilize the cell's membrane of liver, which consequently accelerate the rehab of liver's damage.
2. It contains a lot of manifold amino acid. In general, the sufferers of liver's illness are innutrient and lack of amino acid, so pawpaw can provide a lot of amino acid for meeting the sufferer's nutrient needs.
3. It contains a lot of oieanolic acid, which is a compound of protecting liver and lowering fat.
4. It can also accelerate digesting. Pawpaw's juice contains a sort of albumen's enzyme, which can disassemble the protein of meat. The suffers of liver's illness often lose their appetite because of bad digesting. The enzyme of pawpaw can help them improve the symptom.
5. Pawpaw can prevent cancer by preventing nitrosamine's synthesizing which can induce a cancer.
Thereby, if you often drink and have liver's illness, please eat half of a pawpaw to protect your liver.

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