Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Becoming a DIY’s surgeon

At any time, a surgeon is well-beloved because he always helps others in some first aids and save others’ lives. Do you have a thought that you could do some simple surgical by yourself? Surely you do. Learn how to stitch up wounds is so easy by the course of “How to Stitch-Up Wounds", which is an interactive CD-ROM, and teaches you the basic principles of suturing and wound care through video clips, illustrations, detailed instructions, games, and more. With an 18-piece suture kit included, you will gain both theoretical knowledge and practical skills while performing 26 practical fun projects!

Actually, you would be a surgeon by doing it yourself (DIY), which is attractive for many groups, like Medical and pre-med students, Surgical interns/registrars and residents, Students in other medical careers e.g. dentistry, nursing, paramedics etc, A resource to train Allied Healthcare professionals the basics principles of wound care (Osteopathic-, Homeopathic health practitioners, medical laboratory /office personnel, cosmetologists etc.),High school students interested in pursuing a career in medicine, desiring a "foretaste of their future career", Supplementary material to the high school Biology or Life Sciences curriculum, Medics in the military, Any person with a keen interest in medicine and wound care.

And if you study according to the course, it would equip you with a basic understanding of the theory of suturing wounds and for you to acquire the skills to confidently tie surgical knots and suture lacerations.

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