Monday, May 19, 2008

Eat fruits for keeping your weight!

Want to lose weight? Try substituting fruits for desserts in your daily diet and see what happens. You'll be thinner, healthier and your body will work more productively to let you be the best that you can be!
Go a step forward and cut out high-calorie snacks and substitute fresh, canned or frozen fruits. You'll see a big difference on your weight scales.
Try enjoying a fresh apple for snack time rather than a fried apple pie. And almost all varieties of melon are extra low in calories - about 50 per cup. Although bananas tend to be perceived as high in calories, for about 100 calories you can enjoy almost three compared to one candy bar - not that you'd want to do that because with weight loss it's all about moderation and eating healthy.
Remember, counting calories leaves little room for Diet Failure. And when you're dieting, you need all the advantages you can get! "Dieting Counts!"

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